We stand with students and teachers in maintaining high education standards, not promoting high-stakes testing.

High standards, not high stakes

Why Yes on 2?

Question 2 maintains high educational standards and reduces the crushing stress placed on students by high-stakes testing—because a student’s ability to graduate shouldn’t depend solely on a one-size-fits-all standardized test if their teachers, grades, and coursework all prove they’re ready for future success.

The MCAS graduation requirement gives too much power to a standardized test that can’t fully measure whether a student has learned what they need to succeed in life.

These high stakes testing situations create significant stress for all students—and stack the deck against students of color, English language learners, and those with learning disabilities.

This emphasis on a single test undermines our high education standards and forces teachers to teach test-taking skills instead of critical thinking and individualized learning.


Accountability in education is imperative. But we need to be accountable for ALL learners.

The MCAS graduation requirement gives too much power to a standardized test that can’t fully measure a student’s mastery of our high state standards.

Question 2 doesn’t eliminate the MCAS; it just makes the MCAS score one of many data points used to assess a student’s likelihood of success.

Paid for by the Committee for High Standards, Not High Stakes.