Letter: ‘Yes’ on Question 2 is right answer

by Nancy Stenberg 27 August 2024

Students, staff members, and educators are heading back to school over the next few weeks. As we settle into our classroom routines, I urge all voters to educate yourselves on why you should vote “yes” on Question 2 on the election ballot Nov. 5.

This resolution will remove the harmful MCAS test as a graduation requirement. Voting yes on Question 2 will not eliminate the MCAS test altogether, but simply reduce the score to one of many data points that can be used in assessing a student’s likelihood for success. Replacing the MCAS graduation requirement will create a balanced approach to accountability that allows other forms of student assessment including GPA, coursework and teacher feedback to determine graduation.

I love my job as an elementary school librarian, and I believe that MCAS should be simply one way of measuring student success, and certainly not the only determinant of receiving a diploma. Vote yes on Question 2 to bring joy and individualized learning back into the classroom.

Nancy Stenberg



Watch: Ballot question asks if MCAS should be eliminated as high school graduation requirement


Listen: MTA Pres. Max Page w/ Ross Grace: end MCAS as graduation req't